Aboard the USS Kingfish in the Sea of Japan, a secret mission unexpectedly becomes life threatening. After Naval Commander, Joe Camissa, begrudgingly accepts a short-fused mission, he finds himself dangling 20 feet above the deck of a North Korean military vessel, while inside a half-ton atmospheric diving suit.
Rich with detailed, accurate technical information, this gripping military “fact-ional” thriller shows the depths of darkness acquired after three decades of service. Commander Camissa, who was once a young, idealistic sailor, must do whatever it takes to seek justice and protect his country.
A comprehensive research paper is now available. Explore this in-depth report on the research results presented at the World Extreme Medicine Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Get your copy here.
This illustrated children’s book allows you to share the marvels of the undersea world with your children through radiant pictures and a heartwarming tale. Translated by the 13-year-old author to Spanish in the back, this novel approach to a dual language book is the epitome of a language lesson.
Limited copies available at from the History of Diving Museum
Renowned diving writer Ned Middleton says, “I really cannot rate this book too highly. 5.0 out of 5 stars!”
“Co-authors Tom Mount and Joseph Dituri are true pioneers in every sense of the word and this book is a testament to their knowledge and originality. Whereas others are only too willing to accept the status quo, these two men are prepared to question and examine every aspect of diving, analyses the results and offer their findings for the good of all divers. That is what this book is all about and, in short, it really is something rather special.”
Available from Amazon